How to Create a Adsense Friendly Blog

How to Create a Adsense Friendly Blog :

One of the famous monetizing platform that is used by the bloggers is Google Adsense & getting approval from google adsense for the blog is not easy.
How to Create a Adsense Friendly  Blog

Today in  this article i will guide you on how to create a adsense friendly blog and get google adsense approval for your blog.

For creating adsense friendly blog you need to follow these steps :-

Domain Name :

For creating adsense friendly blog you must use Top level domain such as .com, .in etc. Adsense only gives approval for the blogs or websites  which are using top level domain name.
One of the famous website for buying domain names is

Template :

Your Blog should have a premium template which should be desktop and mobile friendly and should look clean & simple and all the footer credit such as created by templateyard, soratemplate should be removed.

Pages :

Your website should have pages like disclaimer, about us, privacy policy etc. without these pages you will not get approval from google adsense.

Social media icons :

All the icons on your blog must be linked to their respective pages or website. If some of the icons on your website are not linked with their repective pages, you should remove those icons or linked it to their respective pages.

Content :

Your blog should have good quality articles and genuine content where the post should not be copied. You should always post genuine contents to your blogs if you want to get approved from google adsense.

If you have done all these steps carefully you have to just wait and continue to post articles to your blog. Google adsense sometimes takes 3 days to 30 days or even more for approval so just wait if you have submitted your blog for adsense approval.

These were the some tips on how to create a adsense friendly blog and get google adsense approval.

-Mishraji Technical

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